Wednesday Forum
Richard from Brazil
Ricardo shared about his program of training students for missionary work in Europe. “Our people are disciples who will disciple others.” Also shared that he is now the director of Chi Alpha Brazil. Asked for prayer for his family as well as his friend in England who has cancer.
Tom Benigas reported on CTS.
CTS is waiting for Belgian education minister’s signature for approval of our French degree. The government has been endorsing four seminaries but never invited CTS before. Joseph was invited to the meeting finally and discovered that CTS is the largest theological school in Belgium. Two of them were getting large amount of money and had no students. If you get your master’s at CTS you can get your doctorate free at Amsterdam University.
Steve Gray reported about iYouth Camp
Fifteen years ago Chad Phillips was youth pastor at Brussels CC. Camp evolved into inviting other youth from FEIC churches. Had 25-50 and growing every year. We outgrew Gutenstein. Donelle and Donnetta and Paul Traver have been helping us with this every year. Paul is now in Springfield and hoping to be European missionaries next year. Andre, Marie and my daughter Alicia have done a great job in setting up. Last year we had 65 kids. This year 133 kids – with staff: 150 kids.
Tremendous to see what God does in them over these five days.
Age: 13-19
Cost: 150-160 euros for five days.
Life-changing experience for them.
Craig Mathison
Discussed refugee/migrant situation. Said we may have 1-1.5 million refugees in Europe this year and another 1 million next year. Encouraged participants to consider reaching out to the refugees. Talked about CTS program ‘Institute of Islamic Studies.’