FLASHNote – ‘You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression!!’
FEIC FLASHNote is intended to be a quick weekly connection that focuses on one of our three network values – supportive relationships, sharing of resources or strategic renewal
‘You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression!!’
Recently I was added to a FaceBook group that a friend created to be a forum for pastors.
Someone asked the question, ‘USHERS/HELPS Ministry…What would you most want to communicate to your ushers about their ministry?’
My response was …
‘You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression!!’
The fact is that our ‘front door’ presence is definitely tied to our ‘back door’ reality!
The message that is communicated & the atmosphere that is created happens in the foyer before it happens in the sanctuary!
I want to encourage you to review your ‘front door’ presence!
Are the facilities clean, warm & inviting?
Are the ushers/greeters representing you well?
Are your materials well-presented?
Are you as welcoming as you want to be?
I can assure that being proactive here will be extremely positive for you!
If you are doing something that is really working for you, share it on our FEIC website!
Let’s help each other do this right because …
‘You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression!!’
– Terry –