Getting to Know You :: Daniel and Antonella Costanza
Getting to Know You’ introduces you to pastors and ministry leaders within the Fellowship of European International Church network. In this story, we highlight Daniel and Antonella Costanza, pastors of Brussels Christian Center..
Please share a little about your life growing up.
We are both from an Italian background, born in Belgium. I attended university in France and earned a B.A. in English language and literature, and a M.Th in Theology, while Antonella studied in Belgium and earned a Diploma in Social Sciences.
Tell us about your call to ministry and what kind of work you did before you became Pastors of Brussels Christian Center.
I worked as a language high school teacher for eight years and Antonella worked as an elementary school French teacher. We served as pastors in Switzerland for one year, and then served for nine years as pastors in a church in Toronto (Canada). In 2005 we moved back to Belgium and I began my role as Executive Director of the Pentecostal European Fellowship (PEF), an organization I’ve served for the past 19 years.
What are your roles at Brussels Christian Center?
I served as associate pastor at Brussels Christian Center from 2008-2018 and as senior pastor since 2018. Antonella has served as the French Worship Coordinator since 2008, the ‘Kids Rock’ coordinator since 2012, and became Worship Coordinator for both the French and English services since 2019. She also organizes women’s ministry events.
Why do you enjoy about living and ministering in the Brussels area?
Brussels being the capital of Belgium and a strategic center for Europe allows for an international life experience and reaching the nations with the Gospel.
Through your involvement with PEF, how would you characterize the growth of the Pentecostal movement in Europe over the last decade or two?
There has been a renewed interest and emphasis in church planting, resulting in a significant increase in Christian presence in some countries such as France, Spain, and the Eastern countries.
What attracted you to serve in international church ministry as opposed to just focusing on the French-language community?
Serving in an international church provides an enriching experience of Christian life, as we mingle with a multitude of linguistic, cultural, and ecclesiological backgrounds, exposing us literally to all of the world.
Tell us about Brussels Christian Center.
BCC represents 50 nations, with every continent represented. We serve everyone from expats, diplomats, and refugees to foreign workers and nationals.
Describe some of the ministries in which the church is involved.
- We have a weekly compassion outreach, serving the homeless with meals and God’s love
- Organize other evangelistic outreaches in Brussels and Hope Wallonia
- Hold a monthly missions Sunday featuring over 10 missionaries supported by BCC and raising funds for missions.
- And we have a dynamic intercession team, LIFE Groups for different ages and ministry groups.
What do you see as some of the most pressing challenges of European international churches?
Finding an effective, consistent and smooth approach to people’s integration and discipleship in spite of constant changes due to people moving in and out.
Are there any interesting trends you are seeing across Europe in relation to church growth, church decline or any other aspect of the church and its health?
In this age of digital media, which is a great tool on the one hand, we see the need to be proactive in providing opportunities for authentic interpersonal relationships and connections. Also, we notice a growing Biblical illiteracy, which requires our full commitment to engaging people in the study of God’s Word.
Tell us about the book you’ve just published.
The book, titled, ‘The Best Heritage’ reflects the huge responsibility we have as Christians to be guardians of the Heritage of the Faith and use our respective roles to influence the new generation to enter in ‘the best heritage we have in Christ. It includes a selection of testimonies and experiences that demonstrate the legacy of faith which we are called to pass on to the next generation.
What inspired you to write your book and what are some of the ‘takeaways’?
Gratitude to God for the way He has led my life from birth to the present, through every season I have gone through.
Takeaways include:
- The role of my parents in their intentionality to pass on their faith in God.
- Their example in fulfilling God’s call on their lives for missions.
- The impact they have had on so many people through their obedience.
- How their journey has shaped my life through encounters and experiences that have been used by God to prepare me for ministry.
How do you hope this book will be used to bless others?
It is my prayer that through this first volume of my life story, a selection of testimonies and experiences, readers will realize the preciousness of the legacy of faith which we are called to pass on to the next generation through a life of dedication to God in our homes and faithful service in His kingdom.
Note: ‘The Best Heritage’ by Daniel Costanza is available in English, French and Italian through the website of Peace Literature publishing house: https://www.peaceliterature.com/product-page/the-best-heritage-daniel-costanza
How can fellow FEIC member pastors pray for you guys?
* That God will give us balance in our family/ministry life.
* That He will give us daily patience, wisdom and strength as we cope with daily challenges of ministry.
* That He will provide more suitable workers for the development of BCC ministries.