Getting to Know You: Tom and Phyllis Benigas
‘Getting to Know You’ introduces you to pastors and ministry leaders within the Fellowship of European International Church network. In this story, we highlight Tom and Phyllis Benigas, who serve as Campus Pastors at Continental Theological Seminary, preach regularly at ICF Malmo, Sweden and serve FEIC member churches as pulpit supply preachers and conference speakers.
Share with us a little about your lives before you came to Belgium in terms of what you did, where you lived, how you met, etc.
We both felt a call to full-time ministry as teenagers and responded by attending North Central University (formerly North Central Bible College), where we met. Tom came from El Dorado, Kansas, and Phyllis from Minneapolis, Minnesota. We married during Tom’s senior year and became youth pastors immediately after graduation.
Over the next 15 years, we served as youth pastors in Assemblies of God churches in Rochester, Minnesota, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Clearwater, Florida, and had many other responsibilities in these churches. In 1986, Tom was elected as District Youth Director for the Peninsular Florida District and served for 24 years.
During our years as Youth Directors, we were privileged to lead over 1,200 youth on mission trips to 24 countries, assisting in the planting of 27 churches in Paraguay and evangelism in Central and South America, India, Siberia, and across Europe.
This ministry was our greatest joy, and we had a feeling that God was up to something for us in the area of missions.
How (and when) did God lead you to Belgium and briefly describe what your ministry assignment entails?
After we left the Pen Florida District position, we were asked by then-missionary Tom Manning if we would fill in for him for three months at Vienna Christian Center, the international church in Vienna. We agreed and loved every minute of our ministry there. During this time, Missionary Terry Hoggard met with us and asked us to consider seeking missionary appointments and helping him with the growing international church ministry in Europe, FEIC. We prayed, and God said yes!
We are thrilled to assist our international church pastors whenever possible. We have filled in for them in their absence, helped with staff relations, mentoring, shared at church retreats, women’s meetings, and missions’ conventions.
How long have you been involved at the international church in Malmo and what is the extent of your continued involvement?
We followed in the footsteps of Terry Hoggard to serve on the preaching team at ICF Malmo to assist lay pastors Mats and Sarah Jonson for the past 12 years. We love the heart and commitment of the Jonsons to minister to the international community in Malmo and look forward to our monthly visits with them and our wonderful friends in the church. We have seen growth in the young adult area of the church, which is always a joy for us.
What have you learned about international church ministry while serving in Malmo?
Many of the attendees are connected to the universities in Malmo. When their studies are over, many return to their countries, and it is hard to let them go. With many others at ICF, employment has brought them to Malmo for a season. It’s hard to let them go. We pray that what they have received through the church they will take with them and bless the communities wherever they end up.
Keeping a balance in the church services that inspires internationals from both demonstrative church cultures and those more reserved is always a challenge, but thankfully, the Holy Spirit is up to the job, and we are grateful.
For the uninformed, tell us a little about CTS and what it has to offer.
Two months before we arrived in Europe to help with FEIC, Tom received an invitation from President Joseph Dimitrov to serve as the Campus Pastor at Continental Theological Seminary (CTS). Although it was time, it had been hard to step away from District youth and young adult ministry, yet God found a way to open that door once again. During the week, we are involved at CTS, and on weekends and breaks, we are free to travel for FEIC. CTS is the largest Pentecostal seminary in Europe and offers BA and MA degrees in theology, missions and music. Students come from 25-35 different countries worldwide to fulfill their ministry training.
What do you find fulfilling about serving at CTS?
We are responsible for the spiritual life at CTS and oversee mentoring and counseling for the students. Watching these students blossom from their first year to their graduation is a delight, and to join with other amazing professors and staff to see this accomplished is a constant reward.
What do you enjoy about being part of the FEIC network?
International church pastors are adventurous, open-minded, and committed to growing in every area of their lives and ministries. They inspire us to be the same! It is truly our heart and vision to assist them in any way possible to achieve their God-given goals.
Phyllis, tell us about your books and what inspired you to write them.
‘Intimate Moments with the Shepherd – Guidance through the Challenges of Life’ was inspired by visual impressions I received from the Lord over a period of years during my devotional time. It has 52 simple devotionals depicting sheep in challenging situations that I saw and how the Shepherd guided them through each one. When the Lord directed me to share them in print form, I balked at such an idea, but you know how He is. Relentless in His request, these devotionals were published in 2008 through Creation House, and many have shared how the Lord has encouraged them through it. Although out of print, Amazon occasionally carries used copies. And, with over 100 unpublished visual impressions, I feel a stirring…
‘Breath from Heaven’ is an account of God’s incredible abiding presence during my bout with Covid-19, 21 days in the hospital and 6 days on a ventilator – He was with me every moment, and I had to share about His faithfulness with this book. No one expected me to leave the hospital alive, but in response to Tom’s pleading, our friends and the Christian community prayed for my healing, and God performed a miracle. Forever grateful! (Available here on Amazon)
How can fellow FEIC member pastors pray for you guys?
We ask for strength, His wisdom, guidance, and open doors as we continue to follow God’s calling. Phyllis had two knee replacements, and recovery has been slow, but we know better days are ahead through His touch.