Learning To Live & Lead From The Front!
Well, 2011 is now with us and I trust that you have embraced her with great hope and expectation!!
As the new year began I understood that my focus for 2011 would be centered on this thought/phrase, ‘Learning To Live & Lead From The Front’!
Often in times of great challenge or struggle we seek to be survivors, to somehow endure the tough times. I love survivor stories & am amazed by the sustaining strength that God supplies to His sons & daughters!
But … just seeking to survive is not enough!
We who are the people of God should not be looking to survive but to overcome and be …
‘Learning To Live & Lead From The Front’!
The Bible is full of incredible examples of people who in hard times made this their aim & goal!
One of the examples is Gideon!
The shocking subtraction of his army is stunning! He begins with 32,000 but then by God’s instruction, tells all those who are afraid that they can go home and … 22,000 did! After another test which apparently was intended to reveal readiness, the 10,000 became 300.
Now think about it … with 32,000 men Gideon could have felt quite confident but with 300 how would you feel?
Exactly .. and Gideon too was quite doubtful!
He is then instructed by God to go at night at night and listen to his men. He arrives just in time to hear a man speaking about a dream & just as God had promised he was greatly encouraged. He awakens his men, divides them into 3 companies of 100 & gives them trumpets and empty jars with torches inside!
With this they were going into battle against their enemy!
Gideon then utters what are for me among the most amazing leadership words I have ever heard!
“Watch me, follow my lead & when I get to the edge of the camp, do exactly as I do”
Pretty clear isn’t it! Here is a guy who is …
‘Learning To Live & Lead From The Front’!
Gideon rallied his men and they gained a great victory!
So shall it be for us!
God will give us a faith that is especially strong and easily seen! A faith that empowers serving & expects significant response!
With that we will make a great difference in our world!
So are you ready? Got your game face on? Are you convinced that now is the time?
If so, let’s go and determine to do all we need to do to take on this challenge of,
‘Learning To Live & Lead From The Front’!
2011 watch out … here we come!!