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FEIC Summit
Devotions by Tony


‘If anyone is thirsty…out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water’

Acts 1: ‘you shall receive power’

Ephesians ‘the Holy Spirit is given to you as a deposit’

I want to stir you up today. If you want to be renewed, it all comes from God. After many years of serving God, to stay sharp will always be determined by hunger.

With the Spirit of God in us we can stay fresh, revitalized.

It say in Proverbs 27:7 – to a satisfied man, even honey he will loathe; to a hungry man, even bitter things are sweet.

If I’m hungry, in 3-5 hours I want to eat again but some people don’t have appetite.

How much of the Holy Spirit can I release in my life. I think the only limit is the hunger we have.

We’re all children of God but I think God is waiting and saying ‘I want to give you more’. We should have this kind of attitude throughout our lives and spirit of prayer.

Larry welcomed some new folks and introduced Pastor Ed Teo, who pastors ICA Hong Kong with 35 average services a week. He worked under Leroy Cloud as associate. Mentors young leaders; sponsors a citywide outreach.

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