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God Has Given Us These Times Of Joy!

I love Christmas!

In fact, I have been celebrating since Sept 16th, my first ‘official’ Christmas holiday, ‘100 Days Until Christmas’!

God Has Given Us These Times Of Joy!

Once again we will come to know the beauty of Christmas which allows us to find joy in both giving and receiving, loving and being loved, hoping and giving hope.

The Christmas joy that we experience in our homes has it’s origins in the heart of God Himself.

God Has Given Us These Times Of Joy!

The dawn of Christmas awakens our hearts to the realities of supernatural possibilities, strategic initiatives and surprising opportunities.

We do pray that as you revisit the events of that Holy Night, you will be remined of these things.

This year we have experienced both moments of great celebration and great challenge, but in it all He has given us joy!

The faithful hand of God has blessed us, our family and the work that has been entrusted into our hands.

  • Ruthanne & I are so aware of God’s goodness to us personally! This year we celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary and completed our 25th year or missionary appointment. We do not normally talk about birthdays, but as of this year, Terry is not 54 anymore! Admittedly, there are difficult decisions and tough transitions to deal with but we are determined to seek His will & do His pleasure.
  • We do thank Him for divine health that has enabled all of our immediate family to walk in strength and celebrate another year of life! Both Kari and Kristi (with her family) are doing well and continue to devote themselves fully to the Lord. Our focus is very much on Caleb & Luke who had their first birthday in September and have made incredible progress! Luke has been diagnosed with infantile spasms which is a huge challenge and yet we know God is able.
  • The work of European International Church Development is more dynamic than ever before. New churches are being established, new facilities are being opened and new doors are being set before us. At the same time, there are intimidating issues that taunt and threaten us. God in His grace has allowed us to serve with a team of leaders who are passionate, positive and purposeful, which is an honored privilege for us.

The fact is that God has given us these times of joy, so rejoice in Him and receive from Him all that He has prepared for you!

May this Christmas and the year to come be filled with His presence and the fulness of joy!!

God Has Given Us These Times Of Joy!

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