Lockdown in Brussels: Daniel and Antonella Costanza
Lockdown in Brussels: Daniel and Antonella Costanza
How much of the year did you and your church/city spend in lockdown vs. free to have church?
* Total lockdown from March to May
* In person services from June to October
* Total lockdown from November until now
Give me a brief description of your 2020 highs and lows. What went really well and what were some of the challenges you faced?
• Many volunteers mobilized for the organization of zoom sessions.
• Well attended prayer sessions.
• Increased hunger for God, His Word and fraternal fellowship.
• Paradoxical increase of interaction between our members as they met on different zoom sessions.
• Development of a media team.
• Church building renovations (basement, office space, washrooms, video room…)
• New people accepting Christ, testimonies of healing… Baptismal candidates…
• Older people having difficulty to connect (a small group);
What are some of the good things you witnessed over this past year?
* Greater involvement of our people in all kinds of ministries
* Birth of a weekly compassion ministry in the streets of Brussels and other forms of outreach.
* Stronger sense of belonging
* Financial stability and miraculous provision
What are some of the difficult things you and your church experienced?
Isolation for some specific cases (senior homes/family issues)
How do you think this year has affected your church?
In spite of the frustration of physical distancing, this year has marked a positive shift for BCC as it brought us to re-think church and launch new expressions of our church life.
Almost one year on, what has God taught you through this unprecedented experience?
* We have no control!
* We need to learn to adjust
* The church is not the building
* God is pruning His people
* We need to be proactive in vision and preparation for the future