What does your website say about your church?
We know that’s a tough question but one we all need to ask!
I’m always searching Google for international churches in Europe. Many times someone is moving and they need a recommendation or sometimes I’ve visiting a city and looking for new relational connections.
I can immediately tell from a website which churches are making an impact and which churches are more inward focused.
Our website gives us credibility and is our first impression to new people who are making a decision to come or not.
Of course there are many people who will never attend our services but our website is a credible platform to share the Gospel and give people a picture of who we are as followers of Jesus.
The web is a window into your church and it’s vital that the first impression reflects the level of excellence you are striving for.
There are a number of resources that are available today to help your church have an attractive website without a huge investment.
For more information or a professional evaluation of your website from an investor in our FEIC family, click here to link to a special opportunity just for our FEIC churches.
We’re praying for you and your team this weekend!