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Getting to Know You :: Mark and Heather McKinstry

‘Getting to Know You’ introduces you to pastors and ministry leaders within the Fellowship of European International Church network. In this story, we feature Mark and Heather McKinstry, pastors of Malaga Christian Center in Malaga, Spain. Share with us about…

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Getting to Know You :: Ariel Rainey

'Getting to Know You’ introduces you to pastors and ministry leaders within the Fellowship of European International Church network. In this story, we highlight Ariel Rainey, pastor of IC: Madrid. Share with us a little about your life ‘pre-missions’. I am…

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FlashNote: Summer 2022

Hey FEIC Family, We hope that you are staying cool this summer. Our 2022 Summit is taking shape and we have some important information here in relation to registration, accommodations, transportation and venue. We also want to announce and welcome…

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