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FEIC FLASHNote is intended to be a quick weekly connection that focuses on one of our three network values – supportive relationships, sharing of resources or strategic renewal****


FEIC … above all else is a relational network!!
Here is an important reality that mandates relational investment in FEIC … and beyond!
Why do we need to spend significant time with God and with each other?

Here’s why?

‘The depth of what I can receive from you is equal the depth of the relationship I share with you’!
When I strengthen relationships they become increasingly significant!
The more I know you, the more willing I am to let you know me … and there are great opportunities in that kind of openness.

I want to encourage you to nurture your relationships, redeem their potential and treasure them!
Be intentional about it, make it happen at every level and discover all that is supposed to be yours!

Our gathering in Caorle, Italy was perfect in every way … the weather, the facilities, the conversations and the connections!

We will be posting lots of photos on our website!
The plan is to meet annually in Week 22!!
So … save the date …
May 28-31, 2012!!

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