More Than We Know/Faster Than We Think!
More Than We Know/Faster Than We Think!
I know that in our world today there is surge in the pace of the news about troubled nations, natural disasters, economic crisis and a host of other disturbing issues that should indeed concern us … but that is not all of the story!
There is also a surge in the pace of some very good things going on in our world!
There are abundant reports of new breakthroughs that relief great suffering, new initiatives that positively impact the desperately poor and new movements that produce change and renewal!
There is no question about the pace of good news …
More Than We Know/Faster Than We Think!
The fact is that we are not likely to hear about the good news or be made aware of the pace of God’s activity through the popular media, so we need to tell the stories to each other!
I love being a bearer of ‘good news’ and a herald of God’s activity! I love to tell the stories and do that every chance I get!
This week I listened to a young Bosnian lady who had an incredible story of deep personal & spiritual change!
The details are amazing and powerfully prove once again that pace of God’s activity is hastening and that He is doing …
More Than We Know/Faster Than We Think!
I know it’s true and I want you to know it as well because that changes everything … immediately and forever.
So if you need to hear good news about God’s activity … I’ve got stories to tell!