Mosiax Resource
Mosaix is a relational network of local church pastors and planters, researchers, educators and ministry leaders...
Mosaix is a relational network of local church pastors and planters, researchers, educators and ministry leaders...
Tomorrow is Mother's Day in America. This is the first time I have been in America for Mother's Day since ... well I do not remember when actually. So like everyone else here I am ... Thinking about mom and…
The signs of Spring are increasingly evident here in Brussels ... trees budding, flowers blooming, lambs skipping in the fields & people smiling as they take in the warm rays of the sun! Am I stirring up a little 'Spring…
This year February is a very special month for me! First of all ... (let me say that again ... note caps to emphasize priority)! FIRST OF ALL ... because we will celebrate Valentine's Day, which is our moment to…
FEIC is a relational network comprised of congregations that minister to the unique opportunities, needs and challenges of international communities in European cities.
Our network churches are a tapestry of cultures and traditions, races and people groups, languages -