Clarity and Character
One of my favorite responsibility of the week at VCC is investing in a cohort of leaders every Tuesday. We have interesting, engaging discussions that give practical tools to grow effective leadership competencies.
Recently, we talked about the issue of how to lead people through times of difficulties and uncertainties.
No one likes uncertainty but every one of us face it at some moment in life. In fact, it’s in these moments when our voice as a leader needs to be very clear and consistent.
When situations are uncertain, our tendency is to default into ambiguity but we must remember that people are looking to us for clear direction. They don’t know who to trust so they are looking to those in their lives who they feel speak clearly and demonstrate strong character.
Clarity energizes people. Clarity engages people and gives them hope. It’s in these moments when leaders must over-communicate. We’ve all heard the old phrase — “people are down on what they’re not up on.”
General Norman Schwarzkopf once said, “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one—be without strategy.”
When people fail to hear clear words from leaders or fail to see character-based decisions in those leaders, it creates trauma during difficult times.
Just a simple reminder today that we must be leaders who speak clearly and demonstrate character… especially in difficult times!
We’re praying for you this weekend!