I would like to follow up on the article from last weeks Flashnote on “kindness” by sharing a final thought on how to lead with a firm center and soft edges from author and President of Biola University Barry Corey in his book _Love – Kindness._
A firm center and soft edges means we become more involved in the culturally unfamiliar.
Our call demands that we serve our international communities. We don’t have to agree with everything but do have to find ways to build bridges to share faith in an increasingly hostile culture towards followers of Christ.
To be absent from interaction within our communities only targets us to be defined for what we are against rather than being know as people who stand for something.
Peter said in 1 Peter 3:15 – “Be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
The first part of this verse is the firm center. The second part is the soft edges.
Our prayer today is that God would give us a firm center but with soft edges to engage our international neighbors in faith and build bridges that will lead them to Jesus, the One who is full of grace and truth.
May He also help our IC’s to be more involved in the culturally unfamiliar.
We’re praying for you and your team this weekend… that God would increase your leadership capacity to have a firm center and soft edges as we tangibly demonstrate the love and kindness of Jesus.