Lockdown in Lisbon: Dan West
Locked In But Not Locked Out … FEIC Member Churches Thrive During COVID-19 Lockdown
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept through Europe months ago, national lockdowns became the norm. Government officials restricted individual movement and group gatherings to minimize the spread of the virus.
But that hasn’t stopped the church from being the church! FEIC member churches across Europe – and even Northern Africa – continue to meet and minister online throughout the lockdown.
Over the next few days, the FEIC communications team will release a series of brief interviews with a number of pastors from our member churches on how they are coping with lockdown, how they are keeping ministry going, testimonies of what God is doing in their church and city, and what they’ve learned through this unprecedented experience.
We hope you enjoy this series we’re calling: ‘Locked In But Not Locked Out … FEIC Member Churches Thrive During COVID-19 Lockdown’
Jeff Slaughter for FEIC
Lockdown in Lisbon: Dan West
Dan and Joy West pastor LIFE (Lisbon International Fellowship Eastside) in Lisbon, Portugal.
FEIC: How are online services going for your church? What kind of engagement are you getting? What has surprised you about having services online?
Dan: Sunday gathering, we use Facebook Live, I pre-prepare messages my messages using PowerPoint on OBS project, I add pre-recorded music as well. Our Wednesday evening prayer and Holy Communion gathering is done with Zoom, All other follow-up is done through WhatsApp broadcast, and personal WhatsApp messaging.
FEIC: What has surprised you about having services online?
Dan: Sunday 1 hour Livestream has been very time consuming.
FEIC: Since you started having services online, what have you learned that works and doesn’t work?
Dan: I use OBS, because it is less boring and you can share scriptures with the PowerPoint. Anything you can share could be helpful to someone else. OBS is a learning curve, but it is well worth the effort. Its more attractive and can be done live as well as prerecorded.
FEIC: Can you share a testimony or two about what God has done for you, your family and your church during this time?
Dan: Our gatherings on line have gone around the globe. It has also allowed me to reach into friends and family members lives I have not seen in many years.
FEIC: Do you and/or your church have any specific prayer requests you would like to share?
Dan: Yes, we have several prayer requests:
- Most of our evangelism and outreach has been open air and one on one. The last two months, this has been at a standstill. Pray for wisdom and strategy to do outreach to the English speakers in Lisbon, Portugal.
- Also pray for those in the congregation who have lost employment. Presently most in the LIFE church congregation are looking for jobs. It is very difficult now.
- We also need more workers on the team. Pray the Lord would supply in the area of music, discipleship, children and an IT person.