This week I spent time talking with some refugees about the seasons of life and challenges that make us stronger.
As we talked about their journey, I was reminded of the importance of our words of affirmation.
Being a typical first-born, I’m very driven and take responsibility seriously. Part of the reason is that when I was growing up I received words of affirmation that encouraged me to be successful and work hard.
The truth is we all need words of affirmation!
I hope we all have a healthy self-esteem and holy confidence of who we are and what God’s called us to do but even then, we still appreciate the encouragement of others to remind us.
We want to remind you today you are doing a great job! There is a unique call to do IC ministry and God has chosen you and I to serve in a diverse continent of Europe.
We believe in you! But most importantly – God believes in you!
Take a moment to just thank the Lord for His confidence in you and His power to accomplish everything you put your hand to. Receive His words of affirmation over your life today.
Finally, please take time this week to give encouragement and affirmation to others. I can tell you there are people in your circle of influence that need to hear your affirmation over their lives.
Remember, we’re here for you and praying for you this weekend!