Enjoy Your Summer
It’s been a strange year with COVID restrictions so we’ve noticed many of our friends are enjoying a time of rest and vacation in their own countries.
We’ve seen amazing pictures of places that we didn’t even know were within a 3 hour drive from where we live!
As IC pastors and leaders, we invest incredible amounts of time, focus, and energy so that others can receive and grow.
It’s so important that we not become so busy IN ministry that we don’t take time ourselves to RECEIVE ministry.
Of course we’re called to give but we all know that burnout happens when we have nothing left to pour out because our tank is empty!
Today we simply want to encourage you to pause, take a breath and enjoy what God has called you to do.
Every Sunday before our first service, I meet with our media and tech teams to go over the service order. The last thing I tell them is – “we’ve worked hard this week, we’ve done our part, we trust God to help us, so let’s enjoy the service!”
If we’re not careful we can all become cynical towards the same people God has called us to serve.
So pray….
▪ Pray that God will give you a love for your city and for the people He has entrusted into your care.
▪ Pray for a renewed passion and vision to lead your church and make a major spiritual impact together.
▪ Enjoy your summer!
We pray God would baptize you with joy and clearly remind you of His call upon your life and to the place where you are serving in this season.