Getting to Know You :: Chris and Katie Sasser
‘Getting to Know You’ introduces you to pastors and ministry leaders within the Fellowship of European International Church network. In this story, we highlight Chris and Katie Sasser, pastors of New City Sarajevo.
Share a little about your life growing up.
We both grew up with parents in the military who retired in Mississippi. Thus, south Mississippi became home for both of us. We both attended Master’s Commission after high school where we earned our ministerial licensing. Additionally, Chris has a degree in Business.
Tell us about your call to ministry and what kind of work you did before you came to Europe.
We both felt called to missions while we were kids. Chris was 12 when he was first called to missions and Katie was even younger. Before serving in Europe, we spent 5 years serving in Uganda, followed by two years in Kenya. Our focus was investing in local leaders who were sharing Christ through community development projects.
How long have you been in Bosnia and what you are doing there?
We have been serving in Bosnia since 2017. We served at a local Bosnian church for the first 5 years and launched an international church in March of 2023. It’s going great. In many ways, we feel as if we are just getting started, but it is a lot of fun.
Bosnia sounds like it would be a difficult place to live and plant a church. Have you found that to be true and if so, in what ways?
Compared to East Africa, living conditions in Bosnia are fantastic! That being said, as with much of the Balkans, and Europe for that matter, ministry moves slowly. The city of Sarajevo is 95% Islamic. Relationships take time.
Tell us about the skate shop.
We currently have a skate shop with a half-pipe ramp inside. We are believing that we will expand to a full indoor skatepark before the end of the year. Our long-term prayer is to open a roller-skating rink here as well. We see the business and the church working hand in hand. Both are equally as much a ministry as the other. For example, we have several students attending our youth group who connected with us through skating.
What attracted you to serve in international church ministry as opposed to focusing on nationals?
Katie and I have always felt called to people, not to a specific people group. Whoever the Lord brings in our path is equally as important as the next. An expat living in Sarajevo needs Christ the same as a person born here. We also believe that an international feel will help us reach Bosnians as well. Being that Sarajevo did not have any international or English speaking churches at the time, we saw a need and opportunity that we could meet.
What do you guys enjoy about working in international church ministry?
We love seeing people find community and belonging.
What do you see as some of the most pressing challenges of the Bosnian church in general?
That can be tough to answer. We need a breakthrough in this nation. Pastors have been faithfully and tirelessly serving for years but have not seen much fruit. Discouragement can be a challenge. Unity can be a challenge.
Tell us about your family.
We have two sons: Kolby (19) and Logan (17). Kolby is in Mississippi attending college and Logan is here with us as he is still in high school. Logan loves skateboarding, which keeps him right in the mix of all we have going on here.
How can fellow FEIC member pastors pray for you guys?
· Pray for open doors to share Christ.
· Pray for teammates.
· Join us in prayer as we are looking for a new building.