He Is Risen!
I love Easter weekend!
It’s one of the greatest attended weekends in the year but it’s more than a ministry opportunity – it’s the heart of our Gospel message. Jesus died and 3 days later He really rose again!
Easter should never become common to us but the passion and significance of this weekend should resonate through everything we communicate. “He is not here, He is risen!”
On Resurrection Sunday, when the women found the empty tomb, the angels asked them – “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive?”
That same question echoes in our hearts today…
• Why do we seek life in things that only lead to death?
• Why do we search for fulfillment in things that only bring emptiness?
My grandmother went to heaven on March 30th, 2012. As I reflect on the anniversary of her death, I think about the song she sang every Easter when I was growing up – “Because He lives!”
The words remind us of this powerful truth – “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow; Because He lives all fear is gone; Because I know who holds the future; and life is worth the living just because He lives.”
We pray you have a powerful Easter weekend!!