His Energy
Over the last few years we’ve all seen the market for energy drinks increase and become a common choice of beverage for young people and adults alike.
Let’s face it, we could all use a little more energy whether it’s in the form of caffeine from a Red Bull or your daily quota of coffee.
At the end of Colossians chapter 1, Paul writes about another type of energy that doesn’t originate from the outside rather from the inside.
Verse 29 says, “I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.”
What an incredible truth! We really must do our part. Too often we act like we’re waiting on God to move but the truth is we must labor but do it with His energy.
A pastor I worked for years ago used to say “God loves body odor.” I’m not sure about that but I do know that God’s not going to do for us what He’s already empowered us to do for ourselves.
So today, let’s labor together… let’s put our hand to the plow… but let’s do it with His Energy that works so powerfully in us!
We’re praying for you and your team this weekend! Look forward to seeing some of you at the PEF Conference in Zagreb this week.