Journey of Faith
I’ve been walking with some friends through some very difficult trials recently and our conversations about faith have been interesting.
No one understands why God permits problems… but we do know that God will use these moments to mature our faith and trust in Him.
The truth is we’ve all been given a measure of faith… but the way our faith increases is through the trials of life! We pray “Father, increase my faith” but we don’t think about how God will answer that prayer?
All of us are familiar with the story of Israel and the Red Sea. After God opens the Red Sea and they crossed over on dry ground, now they look back and watch God destroy their enemy who was chasing them.
Exodus 14:30-31 says “That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. And when the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, the people feared the Lord and put their trust in Him and in Moses his servant.”
Here’s the principle – every time you encounter a trial, God is not only working to help you now… but you are building faith to help you tomorrow!
As a friend reminded me – “We’re very thankful for those difficult times. God used them to make us who we are today.”
We are praying for you and your team this weekend. May God use every circumstance to grow our faith for tomorrow.
Praying you have a powerful gathering this weekend.