Our Relational Network
I love our relational network! Our relationships and commitment to one another is really what distinguishes us in Europe!
This week one of our team members at VCC was sharing a devotion and read a verse from Malachi 3 that I’ve never noticed before. When we think of Malachi 3, we think of the challenge to test God by bringing our tithes to the storehouse.
But Malachi 3:16 says, “Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll remembrance was written in this presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name.”
It’s amazing to think about how God listens and hears us when we interact with each other. Every time we connect or spend time together or even read the FlashNote, we strengthen our relational connection to each other… and God sees us!
We’re thankful for you! We believe in what God has called you to do in Europe and we stand with you in this New Year!
Thank you for taking time to pray for Joe and Alice Lear over these last few weeks as they’ve launched Belgrade International Church in the heart of Belgrade, Serbia. They are planting, we will help water and God will bring the increase!
Remember to pray for John and Joy Sisk, and their daughter Sarah, as they transition to lead NDIC in Almere, Netherlands in April. We’ll formally introduce them after they arrive but we see the hand of the Lord as they make this transition with Melvin and Louise Ho who have serve so faithfully in Almere over the years.
Let’s also remember to pray for Josh and Rebekah Jones as well as their children Camille and Tucker as they launch Life Church in Milano, Italy. Pray for the Lord’s provision, favor and especially for Tucker as he faces more surgery. We love these guys and believe for great things to happen in Milano.
We’re praying for you and your team this weekend!