The Strength of Relational Networks
We had a great opportunity this week to spend time with all the Students for Christ leadership at their annual Connect Conference in Pracht, Germany.
It was so encouraging to see the caliber of university student leaders that God is raising up and the passion they have to make a difference on their campuses across Europe.
Many of these students are also a part of one of our local FEIC affiliated churches.
I loved seeing the parralells between FEIC and the SFC (Students for Christ) movement as relational networks that are accelerating the work of the Gospel among Europe’s diverse international population.
Paul spoke about the importance of this kind of relational ministry in 1 Thessalonians 2:8 where he said, “We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God but our lives as well.”
We just want to remind you today this is the heart of everything we do as international churches.
Yes, we preach the Gospel… but while we share faith, we are sharing our lives as well.
I’m so convinced that’s why FEIC and SFC are doing so well across Europe. May God help us to synergize all we do together!
We’re praying for you and your team this weekend.