The Test of Small Things
I grew up in a small church where my family served as lay people from the time I was born until the time I went away to university.
We would clean the church every Saturday, cut the grass, and my dad would always repair things that were broken.
Sundays were long days for us. My dad would take us to church early so then he could go pick people up in his car and bring them to church. Then we had Sunday School, morning worship, and then my father would take those same people home before coming back to pick us up.
We would eat a quick lunch and then go to the home for elderly people so we could care for them, sing songs and pray for their needs. Afterwards, we went back to church so my parents could be a part of the choir practice, then the evening service and you guessed it – we had to wait for dad to take people home then come back and pick us up.
I remember those days… but what I really remember was my parents teaching us to be faithful in the small things. I never understood why that was so important to them until I began to serve in full-time ministry.
The test of small things reveals why we do what we do!
This test comes when we are asked to do something that we feel is beneath our potential or gifts. We’re asked to serve in a children’s class but we would rather lead worship. We’re asked to clean the WC but we would rather speak on the platform.
The Test of Small Things also proves how faithful we are to commitments we have made and if we are ready or not for greater opportunities.
Jesus taught us in Luke 16:10-11 “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?”
Let’s be faithful in the small things. Let’s make the most of whatever opportunities that God gives us. Small things matter….
• Watch your thoughts for they become words.
• Watch your words for they become actions.
• Watch your actions for they become habits.
• Watch your habits, for they become your character.
• And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny!
We’re praying for you and you’re team this weekend!