FEIC FLASHNote is intended to be a quick weekly connection that focuses on one of our three network values – supportive relationships, sharing of resources or strategic renewal!
Initiate Initiative – It’s Not Just Playing With Words!
I love words!
Crating catchy one-liners, wittingly wordsmithing a document or creatively creating a FlashNOTE … they all work for me!
My hope is that the words will capture attention & communicate at a different level.
But the truth is …
Initiate Initiative – It’s Not Just Playing With Words!
In order to lead churches that are relevant in ministry and offer a meaningful response to the needs of our communities we will heed to ‘Initiate Initiative!
What that means is that we are poised (ready to act, to take charge if you will) …to put into practice what we know to be measures that will powerfully impact both the lives or our people and the life of our church.
At our recent FEIC SUMMIT we presented several new initiatives to you that offer great potential IF you … ‘Initiate Initiative!
- Only you know what has value!
- Only you know how it will have value!
- Only you know when it will have value!
But sooner or later you will have to .. Initiate Initiative!
I will help you in any way I can! Those who lead the initiatives that we presented to you will do the same but in the end … it’s all about you … and God … getting it right!
I know God has more for you than you have ever known, He will fill your hands fuller than they have ever been and He will build His church … eternally!
Initiate Initiative – It’s Not Just Playing With Words!
– Terry –
REMEMBER to visit our FEIC website regularly to see what has been added and to check the websites of our churches to see what is happening!