The Power of The Bowl & The Towel
J. Lee Grady, former editor of Charisma Magazine, writes about a recent trip to Europe to minister to Gypsies in Hungary.
J. Lee Grady, former editor of Charisma Magazine, writes about a recent trip to Europe to minister to Gypsies in Hungary.
It is the desire of Master's Commission Europe (MCE) to help the local church raise up a generation of world changers, recklessly abandoned to the cause of Christ. A generation trained and equipped to live out and fulfill the great…
It Is All About Strategic Plans And Straight Paths!
Article featured on the AGWM website reviews Europe's history, unreached people groups, and challenges; offers solutions for addressing the needs of cities, campuses, children and culturally diverse communities; and lists important prayer points. Read online -
Paul Brannon, an AGWM missionary and Missions Awareness Team resource editor offers a checklist to help you know how your church measures up to its mission vision and outreach. Read the article online -
The Eye on Europe website features stories, photos, media, links and other information about the Assemblies of God World Missions work in Europe. Paul Trementozzi, regional director of AGWM in Europe, keeps the side updated with fresh content to help…
Computer problems drive me nuts! I expect my computer to perform, respond to the commands and get things done for me! When it does not work as expected ... I fiddle with it a bit but my mind is fixed…
Should pastors and church leaders regularly use Twitter, blogs, and Facebook? Without a doubt!!! Though not a pastor, let’s look at the presidential campaign of President Obama for some key leadership lessons.
God is clearly committed to doing His very best to provide 'boundaries' that will keep His children safe.
Make sure to save the date for the iyouthcamp July 16 - 20. Website: