Our Number One Priority
Special thanks again to everyone who came to our 2018 FEIC Relational Retreat in Malaga, Spain! We were encouraged by the ministry of Pastors Randy and Nancee Carter, the venue and food was amazing and the relational connections just get richer every time we’re together.
We’ll be sending out more details within the next 2 weeks so that you can begin to register for our 2018 FEIC SUMMIT which will be held in Madrid, Spain the 15th – 18th of October.
Our theme for this year’s SUMMIT in October will be “INSIDE FEIC!”
We’re going to talk about our identity as a relational network, where we’ve come from and where we’re going but we’ll primarily focus on infrastructure – what should the inside of an international church really look like and what does it take to develop healthy systems?
We’ll spend time in the SUMMIT to not just talk about doing programs but developing people.
So, I want to encourage you to remember that our number one priority (as a leader) is growing the people on our team.
So often, we focus on our personal growth but must remember to make the same investment to see our team grow.
I want to leave you with a few questions to consider as you look inside your church infrastructure and consider how you can make tangible investments to develop those around you:
1. In what areas do they need to grow? (This answer is up to you.)
2. In what areas do they want to grow? (This answer is up to them.)
3. What will they need to see in order to really improve in those areas?
4. What is standing in the way of their growth?
5. What new responsibility could they assume that would stretch them?
6. How could they profit from more time with you? Is that possible?
7. In what areas will the future require them to grow if their going to add value to the team?
8. What is the first step they should take?
We’re praying for God to give all of us clear perspective. Praying for you and your team this weekend!