Don’t Stop Believing
Hebrews 11:30 says “By faith the walls of Jericho fell after the people had marched around them for seven days.” This has always been one of my favorite Bible stories! Can you really imagine the faith and courage it must…
Hebrews 11:30 says “By faith the walls of Jericho fell after the people had marched around them for seven days.” This has always been one of my favorite Bible stories! Can you really imagine the faith and courage it must…
I was talking with one of our pastors today about how we continually experience culture shock in International Church ministry! It's true. No matter how long you've served in a diverse ministry community, there is always more to learn as…
Recently a friend of mine, Dan Desrosiers, shared some thoughts with me about the concept of "Third Places." Sociologist Ray Oldenburg has been credited with writing about this concept of creating community by focusing on what he defines as "Third…
We love Easter weekend! It's one of our greatest attended weekends in the year but it's more than a ministry opportunity - it's the heart of our Gospel message. Jesus died and 3 days later He really rose again! Easter…
Recently I've been discussing with several pastors about how we define our ecclesiology in Europe as IC's. What distinguishes us as The Church? What should The Church look like in today's Europe? I want to share a few words that…
Hebrews 3:13 reminds us to "encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "Today..." Recently I spent time in pre-marital counseling with a sharp young couple who will be getting married this summer. As we talked about communication…
It's that time of the year again.... our clocks spring forward and we lose one hour this weekend! The purpose of daylight savings time is to take advantage of the daylight hours. We change our clocks during the summer months…
Many years ago I remember a friend and I were talking about the surprises of life. He said to me, "My mother told me there we be days like this... she just didn't tell me there would be this many…
Thursday night at the PEF Leadership Conference, Pastor Juan Carlos Escobar from Spain shared a powerful message about the empowerment of leaders. He used the illustration of the art of passing a baton and how it requires both runners to…
Just a quick reminder that our FEIC Relational Retreat is coming up May 22nd - 25th in Barcelona, Spain! All the information is below and the registration deadline with the hotel is May 1st so please take a moment to…