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FlashNote: Summer 2022

Hey FEIC Family, We hope that you are staying cool this summer. Our 2022 Summit is taking shape and we have some important information here in relation to registration, accommodations, transportation and venue. We also want to announce and welcome…

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FlashNote: March 2022

Each month we will be sharing on the competency of Cultural Intelligence. This month's focus is on Worldview. ▪ Worldview is a structure/lens that people use to help make sense of the world ▪ We all see the world not…

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FlashNote: February 2022

We look forward to sharing with you each month in 2022 on the competency of Cultural Intelligence. This month we are focusing on the importance of being a Cultural Learner versus a Cultural Critic. - Be Self-Aware - Don't Stereotype…

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Flashnote: December 20

Merry Christmas FEIC Family! We celebrate this holiday season with thankfulness of all God has done this year and with an even greater expectation of what God is going to do in 2022. We are trusting with you that the…

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Flashnote: December 7

Hello Friends, Wow... December is here and the year is almost over, can you believe it? It seems crazy to think that most of us started 2021 with various restrictions and here we are the final weeks of the year…

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Hello Friends, This is the week many of us take time to reflect on all we are thankful for in our lives. Robert Emmons, a leading scientific expert on gratitude, has shown through research that people who demonstrate consistent gratitude experience:…

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