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Friendship with God

By Andy Vince Pastor, International Church of Leiden The Netherlands Here in the Netherlands, when anyone turns 50, they get labelled Abraham or Sarah. ‘Why?’ you may ask... well, halfway to 100 of course! As I write, these are the…

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And It Became a Snare to Gideon

"...and it became a snare to Gideon." Judges 8:27 When I was growing up, I loved to play outside. In fact, I grew up in a fairly safe area where all the kids could play and explore the woods that…

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Go In The Strength You Have

"GO in the strength you have..." Judges 6:14 I love to read the stories of men and women that God raised up from some of the most unlikely places to accomplish a supernatural purpose. The book of Judges records a…

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We want to encourage you to make time to reflect again on the opportunity we have in IC ministry to develop high capacity leaders. Tim Peters reminds us that Great leaders don't just create followers. We create more leaders! You…

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Aletheia International Church Munich

FEIC Member Church Spotlight Aletheia International Church Munich Pastors: Bernd and Ryoko Armbruster The FEIC Member Church Spotlight is a feature in which we interview pastors of member churches and learn about their history, what makes the church unique and…

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Don’t Stop Believing

Hebrews 11:30 says “By faith the walls of Jericho fell after the people had marched around them for seven days.” This has always been one of my favorite Bible stories! Can you really imagine the faith and courage it must…

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Diversity Surrendered

I was talking with one of our pastors today about how we continually experience culture shock in International Church ministry! It's true. No matter how long you've served in a diverse ministry community, there is always more to learn as…

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