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Lockdown in Brussels: Daniel Costanza

Locked In But Not Locked Out … FEIC Member Churches Thrive During COVID-19 Lockdown As the COVID-19 pandemic swept through Europe months ago, national lockdowns became the norm. Government officials restricted individual movement and group gatherings to minimize the spread…

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Lockdown in Italy: Pat Mahar

Locked In But Not Locked Out … FEIC Member Churches Thrive During COVID-19 Lockdown As the COVID-19 pandemic swept through Europe months ago, national lockdowns became the norm. Government officials restricted individual movement and group gatherings to minimize the spread…

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Don’t grow weary in doing good!

Hello FEIC Family! We hope you had a great weekend! Please take a moment and watch our video for this week on not growing weary in doing good! Most of us are entering into week 8 of the COVID-19 quarantine…

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Post-Civid 19 Ministry

Hello FEIC Family! We hope you had a great weekend! I don't know what rhythm you're in, but tomorrow is recording day for Melinda and I then Wednesday we start editing everything for our online ministry next weekend. As much…

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Cultivate Engagement

Hello FEIC Friends! I hope you'll take a moment to watch this video and let us know how we can pray for you. All of us are in some kind of self-quarantine with restrictions that limit us to online gatherings…

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How To Respond In Difficult Days

Hello FEIC Friends! Everyone I talk with says the same thing - "it's getting crazy out there!" Most of us across Europe are in some kind of self-quarantine with restrictions that limit us from leaving home or having any kind…

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